I'm Ayush Singh !

I'm a Full Stack Web Developer who is enthusiastic about creating useful digital products using cutting-edge technologies to benefit both the world and its consumers. Here's a little more about me

Here are some of my projects.

  • ayuflix_mockup

    Full Stack E-Commerce Website

    ReactJS, Redux, MongoDB, ExpressJS/NodeJS, Bootstrap

    Developed a fully functional E-commerce website using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js). • The website allows users to browse products, add items to the cart, and proceed with a secure checkout. Implemented user authentication, product search, and filtering functionalities. Integrated a payment gateway for smooth and secure online transactions. • Utilized Redux for state management, ensuring efficient handling of complex application states. Implemented RESTful APIs for data communication with the back-end.

  • heavenwalls_mockup

    HeavenWalls - Full Stack Wallpaper Site

    ReactJS, Redux, MongoDB, ExpressJS/NodeJS, ChakraUI

    A React wallpaper app that uses the Wallhaven API is a web-based application that allows users to search, browse, and download high-quality wallpapers for their desktops, mobile devices, or any other device. Check out the project or Git Repository through the links below.

  • ayuflix_mockup


    ReactJS, Styled Components, Axios

    The Simple Movie Website is a user-friendly application built using React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. The website utilizes the OMDB API, which provides access to a vast database of movies, including their details and posters. The primary function of this movie website is to allow users to search for their favorite movies. Users can enter the title of a movie in the search bar, and the website will make a request to the OMDB API to retrieve relevant movie results. The results are then displayed in an organized manner, showing the movie title, year of release, and a poster thumbnail.

  • cmc_mockup

    Disney+ Clone

    ReactJS, Redux, Firebase, Styled-Components

    This is a Disney+ clone project. It aims to replicate the functionality and design of the popular streaming service Disney+. The clone is built using modern web technologies such as React, Redux, and Firebase.